Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Interview with Eli Rogossa

This week, an interview with Eli Rogosa of GrowSeed.org. Rogosa has been traveling the world to bring heritage wheat back to western Mass with the goal to provide non genetically modified wheat that will thrive in New England soil.

She will discuss her efforts trialing 13 varieties of wheat at UMass Extension, including a breed that was successfully grown in the region in the 1600's and talk about bread she makes from an ancient wheat she discovered ten years ago in middle east. The wheat, einkorn, is pictured here.

The work Eli is funded by various sources and collaborators from the area and internationally to provide a nutrient rich soil and plant winter wheats which do better in New England. Soft has less gluten, hard has more.

EVENT:  Growing Local Bread with Heritage Wheat
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
 1:00 to 3:00 UMass Research Farm, River Road, Deerfield
3:30 to 5:30 Colrain Seed Farm, 400 Adamsville Rd. Colrain MA (Growseed.org Farm)